Clementine Montessori strives to achieve best practices in our implementation of the Montessori Method. Strong fidelity to the Montessori Method has been shown to provide better outcomes for students. To this end, Clementine Montessori employs fully certified lead teachers as well as fully certified assistant teachers. Each of our multi-age classrooms allows children to interact with a wide variety of children. The older children give lessons to younger children, thereby solidifying their conceptual understanding. The younger children look up to the older children as role models and aspire to one day complete the same work.
Our classrooms are fully equipped with traditional Montessori materials and heavy emphasis is placed on their daily use. Children are encouraged to fully explore and engage with the materials which offer concrete examples of complex concepts. Within this environment, children are entrusted the independence to choose their own work and follow their interests. The teacher functions as a guide who leads each child through the materials at his/her own pace. Each morning at Clementine, the children have a full three hours of uninterrupted work time. This allows children to develop concentration, coordination, independence, and order, a hallmark of a Montessori education.